GDPR Updates for December

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been writing about how GDPR is turning data privacy standards in Europe upside down.

This post is the third in a series of posts about how Mouseflow is handling GDPR. We invite you to read the series, ask questions, and give us feedback. Mouseflow’s official GDPR resource page can be found here.

As we announced on November 20th, there are some changes coming to Mouseflow in anticipation of GDPR. These changes only affect EU* accounts and EU* visitor data. We’ll discuss these changes more later in this post.

How to Whitelist Form Fields

You can now whitelist form fields for tracking directly from the UI. This ensures Mouseflow will not automatically mask form fields you do wish to track, preserving the original text that was entered. You can set it up under Settings > Advanced Settings > Whitelist Fields using simple HTML Selectors or learn more about it here.

Simply add a CSS selector for an input field to ensure keystroke tracking. There is no limit to the amount of fields you can add for tracking.

How to Exclude Personal or Sensitive Page Content

On the other hand, to ensure that certain elements don’t get tracked by Mouseflow, we’re releasing a feature that excludes content from being recorded. You can now exclude page content (HTML) from being captured directly from the UI. This makes it easy to block parts of a page which contain personal or sensitive data, so this content is never sent to our platform.

Simply add a CSS selector for an element to disable tracking.

What’s Changing in Mouseflow

As previously announced on November 20th, there are some changes coming to your Mouseflow account. This is to keep you safe, align with industry best practices, and aid in compliance with GDPR.

If you’re an account holder outside the EU, expect these changes on December 14th:

  • IP addresses will be anonymized for all EU* visitors only
  • Keystroke tracking will be disabled for all EU* visitors only (fields can be whitelisted)
  • Tracking of EU* visitors can be disabled (at your option)
  • All other visitors will be unaffected

If you’re an EU* account holder, expect these changes on December 14th:

  • Keystroke tracking will be disabled for all visitors (fields can be whitelisted)
  • IP addresses will be anonymized for all visitors

As an important reminder: please review the “What You Need to Do” section of our GDPR page.

As we get closer to the deadline for GDPR, we’ll implement further changes and keep you informed of updates.

Let us know your thoughts and contact us at if you have any questions.



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